✔ FREE for limited time
★★★★★ OneTouch Camera capturing the moment
✔ Have you ever missed a great moment? Capture the great moment of your memory with One-touch camera.
✔ You can auto focus + start taking photo + burst shots + auto save within 1 second with one simple touch.
✔ How to use
1. Click the icon
2. Auto focus
3. Auto shutter
4. Auto Burst shots
5. Auto save
✔ Starts shooting in silent burst mode within a second as you start running the app.
✔ It auto saves by pressing Home button.
✔ Effective use of OneTouch Camera
Car crash
Baby’s first steps
Taking pictures in a concert hall, or play theater without disturbing others
Scene of crime
✔ Main features
Shooting starts in a second
Auto focus/ Manual focus
Select between Low capacitance/High quality
Control number of pictures to capture (1/5/unlimited)
✔ OneTouch Camera simplifies the program for the fastest iPhone shooting.
✔ Speed
iPhone 4S: 0.8 sec
iPhone 4: 0.9 sec
iPhone 3GS: 1.1 sec
iPod 4G: 1.2 sec
✔ OneTouch Series
OneTouch Camera
OneTouch Video
OneTouch Voice Memos
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Photos credits: istockphoto.com